Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities.

Home Mission
- Provides grants to over 200 local churches which provisions church planting, renewing of local churches and enabling mission projects. Through Home Mission hundreds of lives have been affected and many have found faith in Jesus.
- Equips Regional Associations, who are engaged in missional development in the area, supporting new initiatives and churches and supporting the ongoing work of churches and their ministers and families. We are part of the Eastern Baptist Association. (see below)
- Enables three specialist teams to resource churches in their work through legal, ministries and missional support. In addition, representing the mission of God in national ways such as engaging with Government, speaking out on matters of faith and developing national mission initiatives.
Mission Acts
The Mission ACTS process for Local Mission is now completed and the full report may be found here and the subsequent Local Mission Charter is available to read below.
Following the Mission ACTS process for local mission, a team was set up to address the issues raised and to develop our key ministries working alongside partner organisations. Local mission activities have continued to develop with our key areas of Little Fishes, Beacon Café and debt advice all growing significantly. A new activity on Saturdays, Little Fishes for Dads, started in September 22 and is thriving. Details of these activities may be found in the Ministries section of the website
‘The Church is the only society that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members’
William Temple (Archbishop of Canterbury)
Eastern Baptist Association
The Eastern Baptist Association (EBA) has as its members the 170 Baptist Union churches in the counties of Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. This covers some 8,000 square miles and ranges from the heavily populated areas of South Essex to the wide open spaces of the North Norfolk coast. The churches vary in their size and style, but all are committed to their communities and the gospel of Christ. The EBA is one of the thirteen regional associations of Baptists Together in UK
The Association is served by Regional Ministers and three part-time administrative staff:
- Team Leader: Rev David Mayne
- Regional Ministers: Rev Gale Richards, Rev Claire Blatchford, vacancy.
- EBA Secretary: Mrs Hayley Beckett
The EBA vision is “to see the kingdom of God come in the East of England through healthy churches, living as wholesome communities, and engaging in effective mission”.
If you would like to support the work of Home Mission through giving or doing then please speak to Jill or Malcolm.
For further information on Home Mission click here