

Making a donation

You can make a donation to us online via SumUp by either clicking on the QR code below or clicking here

If you are a UK tax payer, Gift Aid can top up your donations to Bluntisham Baptist Church by 25% at no extra cost to you. For further information please see our Gift Aid page

Did you know that you can also support us by shopping online?

Every time you shop online via Easyfundraising at one of the 3,300 retailers including John Lewis, Aviva, Sainsbury’s and, a donation will be made to Bluntisham Baptist Church, and it won’t cost you a penny extra.

It’s really simple to get started – just watch the video below to see how easy it is (there is no sound on the video) or just click on the logos below it to go directly to the Easyfundraising website.

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